Letcher County Veterans Memorial Museum
Chairman Buddy Grubb, U.S. Army Veteran
360 Main Street
Whitesburg, Kentucky 41858
(606) 632-9020
(606) 832-4685
The Museum maintains exhibits including donations from Letcher County Veterans, a Jeep, 3/4 ton truck, 2 1/2 ton truck and M60-A3 Tank. Monuments to Letcher County soldiers from WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam stand in front of the building.
Entrance to Museum is FREE of charge.
Hours of operation:
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Tuesday - Friday
Hemphill, Kentucky
Letcher County Coal Miners Memorial
Adjacent to the Hemphill Community Center
2514 Hwy 317
Neon, Kentucky 41840
Jenkins, Kentucky
Pound Gap Road Cut Through
During the construction of the new section of US 23 in 1998, the "Pine Mountain Pound Gap Thrust Fault" was exposed. "The collision of the North American continent with Africa and Europe more than 275 million years ago formed the Appalachian Mountains and the thrust fault at Pound Gap". Geologist consider the exposed rock to be "one of the most remarkable exposures of rock in the entire eastern United States". On September 26, 1998 Pound Gap was declared Kentucky's first Distinguished Geologic Site by the Kentucky Society of Professional Geologists.
Site of the First Battle of Whitesburg at Pound Gap
The Pound Gap of Pine Mountain is on the Virginia/Kentucky border between Jenkins, Kentucky and Pound, Virginia. It was used as a passage for early settlers to cross into Kentucky from Virginia. Today, U.S. Route 23 passes through the gap.
Information obtained from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_Gap website.
The David A. Zegeer Coal and Railroad Museum
Jenkins was a model city built by Consolidation Coal Company in 1912. The museum chronicles the building of the town and the development of the surrounding coal fields. http://www.coaleducation.org/zegeer/
The World War II Memorial Monument

Located in the downtown area of Jenkins, Kentucky. Built in 2012 to honor those who served our country.
Whitesburg, Kentucky
A multi-media arts center that includes June Appal Records, Headwaters Television, WMMT-FM, nationally acclaimed performing arts company Roadside Theater, monthly bluegrass music shows and many other attractions. www.appalshop.org
Historic Downtown Whitesburg
The downtown area is a recently designated National Register Historic District that takes visitors back in time to 1912, when eastern Kentucky's first coal boom began. It includes many examples of the work of Italian stone masons who established their own Little Italy in Letcher County.
Genealogy Room at the Harry M. Caudill Memorial Library
People born here and people who have never been here come to the Harry Caudill Library to find kinfolks amongst the handwritten family histories and published works in the genealogy collection.
The library is open 9-5 Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; 9-7 Tuesdays; and 9-4 Saturdays. It is located at 220 Main Street in Whitesburg, in the heart of the Downtown Historic District.
Blackey, Kentucky
Carcassone Community Center
Built by the Works Progress Administration during the Great Depression, this former one-room school now hosts an old-fashioned square dance on the second Saturday of each month. Musicians include nationally known banjo master Lee Sexton, a regular at the square dance which has operated continuously for more than 50 years. Dancers from Carcassonne have been featured at the Kentucky Folk Life Festival and at the Smithsonian Institution.