Litter Control

Litter Control Officer - Darrell Banks

(606) 634 - 0088 - Phone

Prevents littering in Letcher County. Works to have everyone in the county keep the garbage cleaned up around their homes. A person is guilty of littering when he/she places or throws litter on any public or private property.

Common Reasons to Call:

  • You see someone throw litter from a car
  • You find where someone is dumping garbage
  • You see garbage around a home or see someone burning garbage

Department Notice:

It shall be unlawful for any person to permit litter to escape from their property or vehicle onto the property of or onto any roadway, waterway, park or any other publicly owned or possessed property.

It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain on their property, within sight of a public roadway, highway or passageway a litter pile consisting of trash, paper, waste material, glass, cans, or any combination thereof.

Litter Control